
Jul 12, 2022
BA.5 update for July 12, 2022
🦠Prevalence: BA.5 now accounts for 65% of all sequenced cases of SARS-COV-2 in the US. BA.4 and BA.2.12.1 each account for 16-17%. The...

Nov 22, 2020
Risk Factors for Chronic vs Infectious Diseases
#covid19 #epidemiology #prevention #publichealth

Oct 26, 2020
scientific evidence vs. conspiracy theories
#conspiracytheory #scientificevidence #epidemiology #covid19

Oct 23, 2020
No, the flu is not "worse" than COVID-19
#influenza #covid19 #mortality #epidemiology #nerdgirl

Oct 18, 2020
update on 2020 excess mortality and debunking miscoding claims
#Covid19 #PublicHealth #Epidemiology #Mortality #ConspiracyTheory #excessMortality

Oct 15, 2020
Public health mitigation strategies and the swiss cheese model of pandemic defense
#publichealth #prevention #covid19 #girlscientist #epidemiologist

Sep 1, 2020
Weekly death data 2017-2020 shows how significant 2020 excess mortality is
The way to assess the overall mortality impact of a pandemic is to look at excess all-cause mortality (difference between observed...

Aug 2, 2020
COVID-19 death coding
This was my first "viral" tiktok video - who ever thought a year earlier that I would go viral for explaining how death certificates are...